
Pastor Search Updates

The elders encourage the congregation of Valley View to join us in prayer as we work through the process of seeking God's leading for our next senior pastor. As our by-laws prescribe, the Board of Elders has appointed a search committee consisting of seven members of which at least three are elders. The search committee has the responsibility to qualify a candidate in regard to character, education, ministerial record, professional abilities, references, and biblical qualifications. The search committee then presents the candidate to the Board of Elders for confirmation by unanimous vote. The Board of Elders then recommends the candidate to the Valley View membership at a called congregational meeting to be approved by a 3/4 majority vote. 

The members of the search committee are:  Andre Rivas (elder and chair), Debbie Bedker (elder and co-chair), Bruce Enns (elder), David Prazak (elder), Donna Anderson (member), Matt Draper (member), and Kennedi Hernandez (member). 

Members of Valley View are invited to provide input to the search committee directly by emailing .


September 15, 2024 Update:

An update was given in the September 15th worship service on the progress of the search committee. The committee has been in prayer and working very diligently in seeking the guidance of the Holy Spirit. We have received about 40 applications and are now going through those to review experience, theological alignment with Valley View, and fit for our congregation. We will begin interviewing applicants in the next couple of weeks. Please be praying with the committee as we seek the Holy Spirit’s guidance in finding the person for our next senior pastor.

You can see the full announcement by clicking HERE and advancing to time mark 19:30 in the video.


August 18, 2024 Update:

An update was given in the August 18th worship service on the progress of the search committee. Since the last update, the committee has spent time with members of the congregation in focus group settings to better understand the heart of our church and the things that need to be considered as we prepare for this next season. Additionally, the committee has spent time in prayer and reviewing the senior pastor job description developed and approved by the Board of Elders. The position has been posted on and the committee will be looking at both internal and external applicants as we seek who God has for us as our next senior pastor. Please continue to lift up the committee in prayer as we work through this process.

Updates will be available at or by visiting and clicking on Pastor Search Updates under the What’s Happening drop-down menu.

Members of Valley View are invited to provide input to the search committee directly by emailing

You can see the full announcement by clicking HERE and advancing to time mark 46:00 in the video.


June 23, 2024 Update:  

An update was given at the end of the June 23rd worship service announcing the appointment of the search committee by the Board of Elders. The search committee will begin meeting to review the requirements and qualifications for the senior pastor outlined in the church's by-laws as they seek who the Lord has for our congregation. Please be praying for discernment and unity of the committee members as they seek the Lord's heart in their next steps and this next season for Valley View.

The members of the search committee are:  Andre Rivas (elder and chair), Debbie Bedker (elder and co-chair), Bruce Enns (elder), David Prazak (elder), Donna Anderson (member), Matt Draper (member), and Kennedi Hernandez (member). 

You can see the full announcement by clicking HERE and advancing to time mark 1:04:00 in the video.


April 25, 2024 Update:  

The following email was sent to the congregation as a follow-up to the announcement at the end of the April 17th worship service that Pastor John has accepted a call to serve as the senior pastor of First Baptist Church in Tempe.

Dear Valley View,

If you missed this past Sunday morning at Valley View, I’m writing to let you know about the special announcement Pastor John made at the end of the service. A few months ago, he was approached by First Baptist Church in Tempe and asked to be considered for the role of senior pastor there. After a season of prayer and seeking God’s leading, John has accepted the call to be their senior pastor. John’s last Sunday at Valley View will be May 19th.

You can see the full announcement from Pastor John by clicking HERE and advancing to time mark 1:34:00 in the video.

These transitions often raise questions of what’s next? Over the next few months, the elders will be working through the process of identifying a new senior pastor for Valley View. During this interim, our staff team will continue with all the ministries of the church. Finally, we will have a preaching team on Sunday mornings throughout the summer.

This is one of those bitter-sweet times in the life of a church. We are sad to see John leave, but we also celebrate with him this new calling God has given him. Please keep John and Stacy and their family in your prayers during this time of transition. Also, please continue to pray for the staff, elders, and people of Valley View as we work through this next season in the life of our church.

Grace and peace,

Tim Goodyear
Executive Pastor
